Friday, July 17, 2009

First experience of blogging

Blogging.. Ah..This is one thing which i never wanted to venture into. I have always thought blogging is for those people who have a sense of creativity in some corner of their brain. When some one puts his thoughts in a medium like this, its bound to make people notice you. Eyes on you is not always a great thing !!!

As we live in a fast paced world where due to Internet, the geographical boundarie have no substance, I still have that feeling of conservatism which plagues so many of my countrymen from expressing their views on various things. That had stopped me from doing just this, blogging..

As like every blogger, I am apprehensive in bringing my thoughts before the readers. I am of the opinion that blogs are not mere thoughts of a person, they tend to go a long way in potraying the acceptance levels of the blogger in the society in which he lives.

Having resisted this strong inclination of mine all these years, am doing what I never thought I would have the guts to try..Blogging..

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